18 Amazing Health Benefits Of Coconut Water

Artchee Mendoza
7 min readOct 20, 2019

It’s a gorgeous day to discover the many health benefits of coconut water.

Did you know that coconut water has several health benefits it can bring you? If you ever lived in a tropical country, you’ve tried coconut water.

I like coconut water. I like its taste, how refreshing it is when drank, and the health benefits you can get from it.

Here are my top health benefits of coconut water that you may want to know as well.

1. Coconut Water Is A Good Source Of Different Nutrients

A glass (about 240 mL) of coconut water can give you carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, and calcium.

It is a good source of fiber, B-complex, and vitamin C.

Cytokinins are also present in coconut water. It is said that cytokinins may be able to reduce the growth of cancer cells. It is also believed that it has significant anti-aging properties.

To sum everything up, you get vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and C.

For the minerals, you can get calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc.

Another good source of many awesome nutrients is sea kelp. You can learn more about sea kelp health benefits here.

2. Supports Eye Health

Drinking coconut water regularly may help you with your fight against cataracts or glaucoma.

Some researchers believe that it can decrease the fluid pressure within the eyes.

Because of its antioxidant activity, it may help deal with cataracts.

3. Coconut Water Promotes Healthier Glowing Skin

Topical application of coconut water may be able to clear up and tone the skin especially for those who are suffering from acne or other blemishes.

Drinking coconut water is also good for moisturizing your skin and eliminating some of the oils in the body.

This effect can also prevent and treat dandruff.

This may be the reason why there are a lot of beauty products that use coconut water or coconut as their products’ main ingredient.

4. May Help Manage Cholesterol Levels

In research conducted on rats, they were fed with coconut water.

Researchers noticed both decreased bad cholesterol levels and increased good cholesterol levels on the test subjects.

5. Coconut Water Reduces Stress And Muscle Tension

Magnesium and calcium that are present in coconut water may be able to relieve some of the stress and muscle tension.

A good amount of calcium can relax your muscles. While magnesium which is also called the “relaxation mineral” helps with the formation of serotonin. Serotonin is more popularly called the “feel good” hormone.

Both calcium and magnesium are present in coconut water, so if you’re looking to destress and relax, you should drink some cool coconut water.

6. Also Promotes Healthier Hair

Consuming coconut water may help in the fight against hair loss.

It can enhance the blood circulation in the scalp which can strengthen hair follicles.

Some use coconut water to massage their hair. This helps with keeping the hair smooth and soft.

To add more, coconut water contains lauric acid which can protect hair from breakage.

7. Coconut Water Is Very Good For Your Digestion

Are you suffering from any of these digestive issues?

If you are, you may want to drink coconut water. It’s been observed that it can be a good remedy for your digestive problems listed above.

8. May Have Antioxidant Properties

There are some studies that you can search online about coconut water being able to fight oxidative stress. This means that the antioxidants contained in coconut water can protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Different studies on animals have shown that the antioxidants in coconut water were able to modify the free radicals so that they can not cause harm.

Rats with liver damage that was treated with coconut water showed improvement in oxidative stress.

More studies should be done here first since there were only limited resources that are talking about this.

9. Coconut Water Fights Infections With Its Antimicrobial Properties

Some tests show coconut water having antimicrobial properties. It contains biochemicals called peptides. Peptides can kill both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

If you’re having infections, you may want to drink up some coconut water.

10. Can Potentially Help With Diabetes

More studies on animals have shown that coconut water was able to lower the blood sugar levels of these animals that were suffering from diabetes.

Rats that were given coconut water maintenance seem to have their blood sugar levels controlled.

Since coconut water is a good source of magnesium, it may be able to increase insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar levels.

Just like the studies on antioxidant properties, more research still needs to be done when it comes to its effects on people. But just by looking at the nutrients, you get from coconut water, it seems that it’s a perfect fit to add to a diabetic’s diet plan.

11. Coconut Water Is Good For Your Kidneys

More animal studies have shown that coconut water can prevent crystal forms to stick to the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract. The potassium content in coconut water also can effectively dissolve some kidney stones.

Different research studies have seen a reduction of free radical production in response to high oxalate levels in the urine.

Have you ever been diagnosed with UTI (urinary tract infection)? I have, and our doctor will usually tell us to drink more water or even better, coconut water.

Coconut water promotes urine production and the flow of it which in turn cleanses the body of toxins.

12. Contributes In Your Heart Health

Again, research with rats has shown that feeding them with coconut water resulted to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Some have also shown a decrease in liver fat.

It would seem that coconut water is very powerful in lowering cholesterol in the blood.

However, it was noted that in the test, the coconut water was given in high dosages. And this was done with rats. More studies still need to be done to see if this can also give the same significant effect on people.

Another thing is that coconut water may be able to stimulate enzymes that could help with myocardial damage recovery.

13. Coconut Water Can Reduce Blood Pressure

If you’re having issues with your high blood pressure, you may want to ask your doctor if coconut water may be able to help you.

Studies have shown that it may be able to lower your blood pressure and even decrease the risks of blood clots in your arteries.

It was observed that coconut water was able to improve systolic blood pressure. It may be because this life water contains potassium. Potassium can lower the blood pressure for people both having high and normal blood pressures.

14. Refreshes Your Body With Electrolytes

Do you like drinking energy drinks after a good workout or exercise? Why not instead drink coconut water? It is a very good way of rehydrating your body.

Drinking coconut water is a good way of recharging your body with fluids and electrolytes. It’s a natural alternative to sports drinks. This is probably caused by nutrients like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium that are present in it.

15. Coconut Water Helps Balance pH Levels

If your body’s pH level leans more towards being more acidic, you may be prone to different health issues like rheumatoid arthritis, immune deficiency, diabetes, increased blood pressure, osteoporosis, and even poor liver function.

Drinking coconut water will be able to help bring back the healthy pH levels in your body. It has an alkalizing effect in the body to counteract excessive acidity.

16. Is A Good Hangover Remedy

I noticed that in different TV shows, there will be a special hangover food or soup. As for me, I usually go with a drink that provides electrolytes. This works well for me.

Just as mentioned above, a good source of electrolytes is coconut water. You may want to choose the more natural way vs the other more processed electrolyte drinks.

17. Coconut Water Is Good For Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may want to add coconut water to your diet.

It seems that coconut water can help improve your metabolism. It can also curb your appetite because drinking it makes you fuller compared to water.

Although it may contain a few calories, the fat content in it is very low.

If you’re thinking of drinking sodas or other fruit juices, you may want coconut water as an alternative.

18. May Be Able To Treat Cholera

If you’re suffering from cholera, drinking coconut water may be able to help you. Mix coconut water with lime juice. This concoction will be able to bring your electrolyte balance. Drink it regularly.

Since coconut water is rich in potassium, it’s a contributor to treating cholera.


I’ve always liked drinking coconut water. When I was younger, we usually visit a rural place every month where we can enjoy lots of coconut water out of the coconut fruit.

I bet that you already know some of the health benefits of coconut water and have been enjoying drinking it for quite some time.

Just a reminder, if you’re buying your coconut water, just make sure to check the sugar content on it. Some products might have been heavily processed already. Also, make sure to check with your health professional to make sure if you do not have rare allergies to coconut water.

If you enjoyed reading this article and think that there is some valuable information on it, please feel free to share it. Thank you!

Originally published at https://pangbenta.com on October 20, 2019.

